Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Standing Rock

Well unless you have been living in a cave for the last few months...or have had zero access to internet; you have likely had opportunity to become aware of the events at Standing Rock regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline.  Regardless of mass medias near total disregard for what is happening here, the news is getting out.

The situation continues but is becoming less about opposing big oil, big corporations, and big government, and more about human rights...and a staggering statement and unfortunate display as how some of humanity has failed to grow, mature, and evolve.  Greed and power continue to take precedence...setting aside the simplest of human values.

As the world has begun to take notice, several celebrities have shown support, and American veterans are making a move to join and stand in support of the protectors en-masse, there is indication that even the UN is taking notice.  One has to wonder where is the American government machine in all of this?

Anyways, if for whatever reason you are unaware of what is happening, this very brave labour lawyer provides a great introduction for those new to the situation.

Have a listen and we will provide more up to date info as it becomes available.
